Property-Based Testing


When dealing with type classes we discussed the concept of laws, which are properties that should hold for instances of a given type class. For instance, if a type T is an instance of Eq we expect x == x to evaluate to True for every possible value x :: T.

Properties are not, however, intrinsically linked to type classes. An example of a property not related to any type class is the interaction between length and (++). This holds in general, but for concreteness consider lists of integers. For any two lists xs :: [Integer] and ys :: [Integer] we have

length (xs ++ ys) = length xs + length ys

Another way of stating the same thing is that the function

prop_lengthAppend :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
prop_lengthAppend xs ys = length (xs ++ ys) == length xs + length ys

returns True for all possible arguments. We could come up with a number of test cases, e.g.

tediousTestCases :: [([Integer], [Integer])]
tediousTestCases = [([], []), ([0], [1, 2]), ([3, 4, 5], [])] -- etc.

and test with something like all (\(xs, ys) -> prop_lengthAppend xs ys) tediousTestCases, but this is quite tedious. QuickCheck automates this tedium away by generating (somewhat) random inputs. The workhorse is quickCheck which accepts something Testable (explained later) runs it with a number of different inputs. Simply running quickCheck prop_lengthAppend covers more cases than any unit test suite we would realistically have the patience to maintain. The default is 100 tests, but if we want more we can run e.g.

quickCheck $ withMaxSuccess 10000 prop_lengthAppend

Of course, no amount of test cases is enough to argue total correctness, but tuning the amount of tests allows us to trade time for certainty.


Consider another property, stating that (++) is commutative:

prop_appendCommutative :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
prop_appendCommutative xs ys = xs ++ ys == ys ++ xs

Running quickCheck prop_appendCommutative quickly falsifies this theory and prints out a counterexample such [0] and [1]. QuickCheck is very useful when we are genuinely unsure whether a property holds, since in practice false properties often have easy-to-find counterexamples.

The Value of Properties

Why do we care whether a property like prop_lengthAppend holds? It does, after all, not directly say anything about the correctness of length, (+) or (++). For instance, given the obviously wrong definitions

_ + _ = 0
_ ++ _ = []

the property would still hold. The crucial observation is that in practice code is seldom wrong in ways that happen to not violate any properties. Therefore observing that a number of non-trivial properties involving some function are true is a good proxy for correctness of the function.

But if properties are merely good proxies for correctness, why is that better than just testing correctness directly? The reason is that many properties are like the ones we have seen so far: they can be expressed as some boolean condition with variables that should hold for all choices of those variables. This is easy to test using QuickCheck or similar systems. Direct testing is harder to automate. That would require producing many test cases like [] ++ [] == [] and [1, 2] ++ [3, 4] == [1, 2, 3, 4] and so on, which is manual (and error-prone) work.

The Testable Type Class

The quickCheck function in fact works on any type which is an instance of Testable. The primary instances and their semantics for testing are worth going over:

  • () is testable and succeeds if it returns () (the only possible value of the type ()) and fails if an exception occurs.
  • Bool is testable where True means success and False or an exception means failure.
  • Maybe a is testable if a is. Nothing means that the test should be discarded and counted neither as a success nor as a failure. Just result has the meaning of result.
  • a -> b is testable if a is Arbitrary (meaning that we have a way of generating values of that type; see the next section) and b is Testable. The semantics is that f :: a -> b succeeds if f x :: b succeeds for all x :: a. In practice this is tested by generating random values of a. Note that this instance applies recursively so e.g. Integer -> Integer -> Bool is Testable because Integer -> Bool is Testable; and Integer -> Bool is Testable because Bool is Testable.

This works great. We can write down properties using familiar Haskell types without even depending on the QuickCheck library. However, what if we want to collect all our properties into a list for test organisation purposes? If we have p :: Integer -> Bool and q :: String -> Bool then [p, q] is not well-typed. The Testable type class has a method property :: a -> Property which converts any Testable value into a Property. Think of Property as a Testable value of unknown type. A list of properties should be of type [Property] and constructed like [property p, property q].


So far we have relied on QuickCheck automatically coming up with values for our properties. The mechanism behind this is the Arbitrary type class alluded to above, which defines a method arbitrary :: Gen a that is supposed to define the "canonical" generator for the type. Hence, we first need to understand generators.

Generator Basics

As a first approximation the type Gen a represents a probability distribution over elements of a. It can also be thought of as a computation that can depend on random choices. Generators are defined using a combination of primitives and monad operations.

The simplest generator is pure x which produces the value x with probability 1. Given a list of generators gs :: [Gen a] the generator oneof gs chooses one of the generators with equal probability. For instance oneof [pure "heads", pure "tails"] produces "heads" and "tails" with equal probability, but oneof [pure "heads", pure "tails", pure "tails"] is biased in favour of "tails".

It is also possible to explicitly control the bias using frequency, which is like oneof but allows specifying the weight of each option. The biased example using oneof would written more idiomatically as frequency [(1, pure "heads"), (2, pure "tails")].

QuickCheck has a function called sample which takes a generator and prints 10 example values. This is quite useful to get a rough sense of what a generator produces and is often sufficient to spot simple biases like in the previous example.

Recursive Generators

QuickCheck has a combinator called listOf which generates [a] given a generator for a. Let us generate a list of integers using the standard integer generator given by its Arbitrary instance. An example output is:

> sample $ listOf (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)

Note that there is a decent spread both in the length of the list and the individual integer values. How would we go about implementing a combinator like listOf? A first attempt might be:

list1 :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
list1 g = oneof [pure [], (:) <$> g <*> list1 g]

This is a choice between an empty list and a list consisting of an element generated by g followed by a recursively generated list. Each choice has equal chance, so 50% of lists will be empty, another 25% will have just a single element and so on.

Alas, the distribution leaves something to be desired:

> sample $ list1 (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)

Every other sample is an empty list and long lists are exceedingly unlikely, which makes this generator inefficient for exploring the search space. A second attempt might be to use frequency to introduce a bias towards longer lists:

list2 :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
list2 g = frequency [(1, pure []), (9, (:) <$> g <*> list1 g)]

The resulting distribution is better, but still heavily favours short lists with an occasional longer list.

> sample $ list2 (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)

We could try adjusting the bias, but no matter what value we use the length of the list will follow an exponential distribution, which is not really what we want.

For our third attempt, we exploit the fact that Gen is a monad. First generate a non-negative integer n, and then generate a list of length n:

list3 :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
list3 g = abs <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= go
        go 0 = pure []
        go n = (:) <$> g <*> go (n - 1)

Now the distribution is similar to QuickCheck's listOf.

> sample $ list3 (arbitrary :: Gen Integer)

Size Dependent Generators

When testing a property it is often a good idea to start with small values and then gradually increase the complexity of the test cases. QuickCheck uses this approach by giving generators access to a size parameter (similar to a Reader monad) which under default settings starts at 0 and increases by 1 every test up to a maximum of 99.

The size can be accessed directly using getSize :: Gen Int but usually a neater approach is to use the combinator sized :: (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen which turns a size-dependent generator into an ordinary one. A good generator respects the size parameter, so our list generator is more idiomatically written as:

list4 :: Gen a -> Gen [a]
list4 g = sized $ \n -> chooseInt (0, n) >>= go
        go 0 = pure []
        go n = (:) <$> g <*> go (n - 1)

This is essentially the definition of listOf in QuickCheck (where go is known as vectorOf).


Suppose we define our own type of pairs with an instance of Arbitrary:

data Pair a b = Pair a b
    deriving Show

instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Pair a b) where
    arbitrary = Pair <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

We can now define a version of commutativity for (++) that takes the input as a Pair:

prop_appendCommutative' :: Pair [Integer] [Integer] -> Bool
prop_appendCommutative' (Pair xs ys) = xs ++ ys == ys ++ xs

QuickCheck still finds a counterexample. A possible output is:

> quickCheck prop_appendCommutative'
*** Failed! Falsified (after 5 tests):
Pair [-2,1,3,-2] [-4,4,-1,2]

However, the counterexample is not as simple as the counterexample to our original property. Running quickCheck multiple times will reveal that prop_appendCommutative consistently produces small counterexamples while prop_appendCommutative' produces counterexamples of various sizes.

The secret ingredient is shrinking. The Arbitrary type class also defines a member shrink :: a -> [a] which takes a value and produces a list of shrinks, i.e. "slightly smaller" values. The idea is that if x is a counterexample to some property then any of the elements in the list shrink x could also be counterexamples.

When QuickCheck finds a counterexample x it tests the property for each shrink of x. If that result in another, by definition simpler, counterexample the process repeats recursively until the (locally) simplest counterexample is reached.

For a value Pair x y a natural notion of "slighty smaller" is a pair which is slightly smaller in either the first component or the second component. The complete Arbitrary instance is thus:

instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Pair a b) where
    arbitrary = Pair <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary

    shrink (Pair x y) = [Pair x' y | x' <- shrink x] ++ [Pair x y' | y' <- shrink y]

Why not shrink both components simultaneously? Well, suppose x' is slighty smaller than x and y' is slightly smaller than y. Then Pair x' y' is slightly smaller than Pair x y' (or Pair x' y) which in turn is slightly smaller than Pair x y so assuming that either Pair x y' or Pair x' y is also a counterexample the process would reach Pair x' y' in two steps. In general, there is a trade-off between efficiency (i.e. not producing too many shrinks) and likelihood of finding the very simplest counterexample.

Tasty QuickCheck

The Tasty testing framework has support for QuickCheck via the package tasty-quickcheck. For example, testProperties "properties" props is a simple test tree, given props :: [(String, Property)].

This test tree exposes options for Tasty on the command line. For example, to control the number of tests we can run

$ cabal test --test-option --quickcheck-tests=10000