More Monads

Free Monads

This section explains free monads. A free monad is a construction that lets us construct a Monad from any Functor. Although this seems obscure at first, it allows a style of programming design that clearly distinguishes the use of effects from the interpretation of effects.


As an example, imagine writing a function that needs to perform HTTP requests to do its work. For usage, these network requests really must be done, which requires the function to be in the IO monad, which allows it to do anything, not just issue network requests. Further, when unit testing, we may want to "mock" these network requests and return synthetic data instead. It would be better if the function could precisely describe that it depends upon being able to perform HTTP requests (and no other IO operations), but let whoever executes the function decide how exactly such requests are implemented: either by actually performing physical network communication, or by returning synthetic data (for testing and debugging).

In other languages, this problem is solved using ideas such as dependency injection, mocking, and object capabilities. As we shall see, free monads provide a rather simple (although sophisticated!) solution to these problems, and it is an approach that sees fairly wide use among functional programmers.

The actual definition of the general concept of a free monad is rather abstract, and may be skimmed on a first reading. The use of a free monad is somewhat more concrete, and is more important for the course.

Defining Free

We will be defining a monad Free e a that represents a computation that produces a value of type a (like in IO a), and e describes the possible effects. The definition is as follows1:

data Free e a
  = Pure a
  | Free (e (Free e a))

This looks quite cryptic, but it is possible to understand based on what we already know. The Pure constructor is straightforward: it represents a computation that has finished with a value of type a.

The Free constructor is more interesting - it represents an effectful computation. Note how e is applied as a type constructor to a type Free e a (which is also the type we are defining). Intuitively, this constructor encodes the idea of "first do the effect e, then continue executing a Free e a". The meaning of "do the effect" will be specified by the interpretation function we define for the monad (we'll return to this below), and importantly we can define multiple different interpretation functions for the same monad. This is what allows separation of concerns.

The e (Free e a) part merits elaboration, as this is the first time we have seen a datatype that applies one of its type parameters to another type. This is an instance of "higher-order polymorphism", where we abstract not over types, but type constructors. While this is the first time we have seen this in a data type definition, it is not the first time we see higher-order polymorphism at all. Recall the Functor type class:

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

Intuitively, if a data type is a Functor, that means it is a kind of "container" with "elements", and we can apply an arbitrary function on these elements. But importantly, f by itself is not a type2, but a type constructor that must be applied to an argument (such as in f a and f b) to form a type. Our use of e in the definition of Free works exactly the same way.


This is not the only possible way to define free monads in Haskell, but it is the simplest one. More efficient definitions exist (such as Control.Monad.Free.Church), but they are more complicated, and unnecessary for our purposes.


Just like how values can be classified with types, so can types be classified with "types of types", which in Haskell are called kinds. A normal type such as Int has kind Type (Type is often written * for historical reasons), while a type constructor such as Maybe has kind Type -> Type, meaning it is essentially a function at the type level. The type constructor Free then has kind (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type. Actual type-level programming is a fascinating topic, but beyond the scope of AP.

Implementing Reader in terms of Free

We will have to construct a bit more machinery before Free will work as a monad, but to skip ahead a bit, here is an idea of how we will use it to to implement a Reader monad. The Reader monad supports a single effect: we can ask for the value of an environment (called ask in the standard Reader monad). We can define a datatype ReadOp r a that encodes the notion of asking for a value of type r, then producing a value of type a:

data ReadOp r a = ReadOp (r -> a)

The r -> a value is called a continuation. It is a function that is called to resume evaluation once the requested value is ready.

Further, ReadOp can be made a Functor. We will see later that this is necessary in order to make it usable with Free.

instance Functor (ReadOp r) where
  fmap f (ReadOp g) = ReadOp $ \x -> f (g x)

We can use this to construct a Reader monad using Free:

type Reader r a = Free (ReadOp r) a

Once we have defined Monad instances and such for Free, we will be able to write monadic code that makes use of it. But we also have to define an interpretation function that actually runs the monad and gives meaning to its effects? We want a function of the following type:

runReader :: r -> Reader r a -> a

That is, given an initial value of type r and a computation of type Reader r a, run that computation and produce a value of type a. Since we don't know anything about r, our only option is to pattern match on the Reader r a value itself. The Pure case is trivial, as it represents a computation without any effects:

runReader _ (Pure x) = x

For the second case, we are considering a value Free (ReadOp g), where g is of type r -> Reader r a. To see this, recall that the Free data constructor takes something of type e (Free e a) as a payload; setting e = ReadOp r, this type becomes ReadOp r (Free (ReadOp r) a), which is the same as ReadOp r (Reader r a). Referring back to the definition of ReadOp, we conclude that g must have type r -> Reader r a.

We can now apply g to the environment to obtain a Reader r a, which we can then execute with a recursive application of runReader:

runReader r (Free (ReadOp g)) = runReader r (g r)

We can also define Haskell functions that hide the specific encoding of Reader behind a more familiar interface:

ask :: Reader r r
ask = Free $ ReadOp $ \x -> Pure x

While it is perhaps not terribly interesting to define other interpretations of the Reader monad, it is possible to do so; for example by storing the environment in a global variable or in a database, and defining an interpretation function that runs in IO and fetches the environment from there. The important thing is that we have decoupled the notion of an effect from its interpretation.

Making Free a Monad

The above skipped ahead quite a bit, as we have yet to show that Free is actually a Monad. Any Monad must also be a Functor and an Applicative, so let us start with Functor. For a value of type Free e a, the Functor instance will be about transforming the a part.

instance (Functor e) => Functor (Free e) where
  fmap f (Pure x) = Pure $ f x
  fmap f (Free g) = Free $ fmap (fmap f) g

The Pure case is straightforward. For the Free case, we have a value g of type e (Free e a), and we need to somehow transform that a inside of it. The only way we can possibly operate inside of that e is if e itself is also a Functor, so we add that as a premise of the instance definition. This is the reason why the effect representation we use with Free must always be a Functor (such as with ReadOp above). Usually these Functor instances are quite mechanical. Note that the two fmaps we use are on different types: the outermost one uses the Functor instance for e, and the innermost one uses the Functor instance for Free e (recursively).

We then move on to definition an Applicative instance for Free. The pure method is simple -- it is simply the Pure constructor. Because we know that we will also be making Free a Monad, we can define the <*> method as ap from Control.Monad.

import Control.Monad (ap)
instance (Functor e) => Applicative (Free e) where
  pure = Pure
  (<*>) = ap

Finally we can define the Monad instance and the >>= method itself.

instance (Functor e) => Monad (Free e) where
  Pure x >>= f = f x
  Free g >>= f = Free $ h <$> g
      h x = x >>= f

This definition can also be constructed largely by following the structure of the types. In the Pure case we have the following:

x :: a
f :: a -> Free e b

and we must produce a result of type Free e b. This is clearly done simply by applying f to x.

In the Free case we have the following:

g :: e (Free e a)
f :: a -> Free e b

We ultimately want to apply f to something of type a, but we don't have an a. All we have is a Free e a hidden behind an effect e. However, since we require e to be a Functor, it is possible for us to apply a function to the Free e a that is inside the e, meaning that if we have a function h :: Free e a -> Free e b, we can say fmap h e to obtain an e c. And it turns out that such an h is defined as a recursive invocation of the >>= method for Free a.

Implementing State in Terms of Free

Similarly to Reader, it is also straightforward to define a State monad using Free. A state monad supports two effects: reading the state and writing the state:

data StateOp s a
  = StatePut s a
  | StateGet (s -> a)

Defining a Functor instance for StateOp is similar to ReadOp, and can be done in the usual style by looking at which variables of which types we have available, and which must be constructed:

instance Functor (StateOp s) where
  fmap f (StatePut s x) = StatePut s $ f x
  fmap f (StateGet g) = StateGet $ \s -> f (g s)

Now we can define the monad State simply as Free applied to the state effects:

type State s a = Free (StateOp s) a

Evaluation of a State computation is also very similar to the case for Reader, and takes the form of a recursive function that interprets the StateOp effcts. When we encounter a StatePut, we discard the current state and use the provided one.

runState :: s -> State s a -> a
runState _ (Pure x) = x
runState s (Free (StateGet f)) = runState s (f s)
runState _ (Free (StatePut s x)) = runState s x

Finally, we can define the usual put/get accessor functions.

put :: s -> State s ()
put s = Free $ StatePut s $ Pure ()

get :: State s s
get = Free $ StateGet $ \s -> Pure s

On top of these, we can define the usual helper functions, such as modify, in the way discussed in chapter 2.

Implementing an Error Monad

As another example, consider a free monad with error handling, very similar to that provided by Either. Here we support two effects: throwing an error and catching an error:

data ErrorOp e a
  = ErrorThrow e
  | ErrorCatch a (e -> a)

instance Functor (ErrorOp e) where
  fmap _ (ErrorThrow e) = ErrorThrow e
  fmap f (ErrorCatch a c) = ErrorCatch (f a) $ \e -> f (c e)

type Error e a = Free (ErrorOp e) a

The interpretation function runError is a little more sophisticated than the ones we saw before, as some control flow is now required to handle the error cases. However, it is fundamentally very similar to the bind method we have seen previously for the Either monad.

runError :: Error e a -> Either e a
runError (Pure x) = Right x
runError (Free (ErrorThrow e)) = Left e
runError (Free (ErrorCatch x c)) =
  case runError x of
    Left e -> runError $ c e
    Right x' -> Right x'

Finally, we can define the usual boilerplate accessor functions for using the effects:

throw :: e -> Error e a
throw e = Free $ ErrorThrow e

catch :: Error e a -> (e -> Error e a) -> Error e a
catch x c = Free $ ErrorCatch x c

The IO Monad

As we have seen in previous chapters, monads are not a special language construct in Haskell. While the Monad typeclass is part of the standard library, we could have defined it ourselves if not, and indeed that is how it was originally done. The only special affordance that Haskell provides is syntactic sugar in the form of do notation, and while it is certainly very convenient, it does not let us do anything we could not otherwise do. Ultimately, the monads you have seen have merely been convenient and abstract ways of doing things that could also be done in non-monadic Haskell, and they are indeed all ultimately expressed in terms non-monadic code.

There is one exception, however: the IO monad is truly built into the language, and cannot be expressed using normal Haskell. It is the ultimate mechanism by which Haskell programs interact with the surrounding world. This is evident in the type of main; the canonical entry point for Haskell programs:

main :: IO ()

We can imagine that the Haskell runtime system has some kind of interpreter for IO, the same way we write interpreters for other monads, but there is no way to express this interpretation in pure Haskell.

In the assignments and exercises you have worked with, the main function is in the runtests.hs file, and serves as the entry point to the unit tests. We can also simply type in IO actions at the ghci prompt, after which ghci will execute them.

There are various metaphors for how to understand IO. One is that it is a kind of state monad that passes around the entire state of the universe, with functions like putStr and readFile modifying the state, the same way put and get modify the state of the State monad. This interpretation is useful to an extent, but break downs when considering concurrency, which we will look at later in the course. Ultimately, it is most useful to simply consider >>= for the IO monad as straight up impure and executing side effects.

Programming with IO

Programming with the IO monad in Haskell is very similar to programming in a conventional imperative language, and the same as with programming with any other monad. However, the fact that it so similar to other languages means that our intuition can sometimes betray us. For example, consider the function putStrLn, which prints a given string to stdout, and has the following type:

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

Simply putting putStrLn somewhere in our program will not cause anything to be printed, even when it is evaluated. For example, evaluating this expression will produce no output:

let x = putStrLn "hello world"
in ()

There is nothing here you haven't seen before. All this does is create a binding x of type IO (), which is not used for anything, and then returns the unit value. In fact, this expression just has type () - it is not monadic at all. In order to actually execute an effect, we must pass it to >>= somehow, putting together an even larger IO operation, which must ultimately be the definition of the program main function:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "hello world" >>= \_ -> pure ()

-- or equivalently

main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "hello world"
          pure ()

The fact that IO operations are normal Haskell values, that just happen to be executable, means we can manipulate them in various ways. As a particularly trivial example:

main :: IO ()
main = do let x = putStrLn "hello world"

This will print twice, because we are executing the action twice.

Exceptions and IO

We have previously seen how to use monads to encode and propagate errors, such as with Maybe and Either. The advantage of this approach is that the potential errors are directly visible in the types of functions. However, not all errors are represented, or can be represented, in this way. For example, the div function has the following type:

div :: Integral a => a -> a -> a

Yet if we try to divide by zero, we will get an error:

> div 1 0
*** Exception: divide by zero

This is an exception. Despite Haskell being a pure language, it is indeed the case that some ostensibly pure functions, such as div, can raise exceptions. One common cause of exceptions is the function error, which we often use to indicate program bugs, or undefined, which we often use during development. Many prelude functions such as head or tail are also partial, meaning they are not defined on their entire domain. Taking the head of an empty list will also raise an exception:

> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list

Exceptions raised by pure code are often called imprecise exceptions, because they are not evident in the type.

Today, partial functions are largely considered a bad idea by most Haskell programmers, because they make the types unreliable. Instead head should perhaps return a Maybe value. Yet even adherents of this approach may hesitate to make functions such as div return Maybe, due to the sheer amount of boilerplate this would require (even when using monads to propagate the error situaton).

Further, other exceptions are harder to avoid: they are also raised for out-of-memory situations or various asynchronous signals. Most functions that perform IO, such as opening or writing to a file, will also use exceptions to report errors. As a result, we need a way to handle exceptions.


Exception is an overloaded term. In this section we discuss solely the kinds of exceptions that are thrown by functions like error. It is common to use the word "exception" to refer to the kind of error handling done with Either or similar monads.

Handling Exceptions

Exceptions are undeniably an effect, and while they can be thrown in pure code, it would be a violation of referential transparency to also handle them in pure code. As a result, exceptions can only be caught in the IO monad. The facilities for working with exceptions are found in Control.Exception. This is a rather rich and complicated module, and we will not need much of what it provides. The main things we will need is the catch function:

catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a

The Haskell exception handling machinery is fairly similar to that which you might be familiar with from other languages. The catch function takes two arguments. It tries to run the provided IO action, and if an exception is thrown during that action, it calls the provided handler function with the exception. The wrinkle is that catch is polymorphic, while an exception is any value that implements the Exception typeclass, any use of catch must somehow specify exactly which type of exception is caught by this specific catch. This may sound unclear, so here is an example where we try to handle a division by zero:

handleDivByZero :: IO ()
handleDivByZero =
  print (div 1 0) `catch` (\e -> putStrLn "I am a handler")

This will give us a rather long (here abbreviated) error message:

    • Ambiguous type variable ‘e0’ arising from a use of ‘catch’
      prevents the constraint ‘(Exception e0)’ from being solved.
      Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘e0’ should be.

The problem is that catch can handle any exception, so how is Haskell to know which one we know? We need to put in a type annotation to specify the one we are interested in. For AP we will mainly use the type SomeException, which acts as a "root type" for all other kinds of exceptions. In general, in AP we will not discriminate between different types of exceptions, although Haskell provides facilities for doing so. The easiest way to indicate that this is the exception we want to catch is to make the handler a local function with an explicit type ascription:

handleDivByZero :: IO ()
handleDivByZero = do
  let handler :: SomeException -> IO ()
      handler e = putStrLn "I am a handler"
  print (div 1 0) `catch` handler
> handleDivByZero
I am a handler

We can turn a SomeException into a (hopefully) human-readable string by using its Show instance:

handleDivByZero :: IO ()
handleDivByZero = do
  let handler :: SomeException -> IO ()
      handler e = putStrLn $ "It went wrong: " ++ show e
  print (div 1 0) `catch` handler

Example: Safely Reading Files

The Haskell prelude provides the function readFile. Given a FilePath (a synonym for String), it returns the contents of a file:

readFile :: FilePath -> IO String

If the file cannot be read, it is reported with an exception:

> readFile "doesnotexist"
*** Exception: doesnotexist: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Since the exception handling machinery in Haskell is somewhat cumbersome, we may want to write a wrapper for readFile that returns a proper sum type with error conditions instead. Reading a file can go wrong in many ways (perhaps someone cuts a disk cable at an inopportune time), but there are often some common errors we want to handle specially, such as the file not existing. We define a sum type that captures the result of attempting to read a file:

data FileContents
  = FileNotFound
  | CouldNotRead String
  | FileContents String
  deriving (Show)

The CouldNotRead constructor is used as a catch-all for all errors except for file-not-found, and FileContents represents success.

When readFile fails, it throws an exception of type IOError. Using the function isDoesNotExistError from System.IO.Error, we can detect whether such an IOError corresponds to the case where a file of the given name does not exist. We can put all this together into a function for reading a file safely (in this case, "safely" means "does not throw exceptions"):

import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)

readFileSafely :: FilePath -> IO FileContents
readFileSafely f = (FileContents <$> readFile f) `catch` onException
    onException :: IOError -> IO FileContents
    onException e =
      if isDoesNotExistError e
        then pure FileNotFound
        else pure $ CouldNotRead $ show e

And observe how well it works:

> readFileSafely "doesnotexist"
> readFileSafely "/root/secrets"
CouldNotRead "/root/secrets: openFile: permission denied (Permission denied)"
> readFileSafely "ap-exam-solution.hs"
FileContents "module Solution where[...]"

Laziness and Exceptions

Haskell's laziness can sometimes make it difficult to handle exceptions in pure code. The reason is that exceptions are not thrown until the associated computation is forced, which may not be when you expect. For example, we may write code like this, with the intent of replacing a division-by-zero error with an appropriate dummy value:

doesNotWork :: IO Int
doesNotWork = do
  let handler :: SomeException -> IO Int
      handler e = do
        putStrLn $ "It went wrong: " ++ show e
        pure 42
  pure (div 1 0) `catch` handler

But we receive an unpleasant surprise:

> doesNotWork
*** Exception: divide by zero

The reason is that the expression div 1 0 is not actually fully evaluated inside the computation protected by catch - instead it is simply returned un-evaluated, and not until ghci tries to print the result of the computation (after catch is done) will be division actually be attempted and the exception thrown.

One solution is to use the evaluate function, also from Control.Exception, which has this signature:

evaluate :: a -> IO a

An expression evaluate x is much like pure x, but evaluates its argument to weak head normal form (WHNF) before injecting it into the monad. Intuitively, it will evaluate the provided expression up to the first constructor, hopefully uncovering any exceptions immediately. For Int, that will be the entire value, but for a lists, it will only be up to the first cons cell. However, this is enough to make this simple example work:

doesWork :: IO Int
doesWork = do
  let handler :: SomeException -> IO Int
      handler e = do
        putStrLn $ "It went wrong: " ++ show e
        pure 42
  evaluate (div 1 0) `catch` handler
> doesWork
It went wrong: divide by zero

IO References

One of the basic facilities provided by the IO monad is a form of mutable references, called IORefs, which can be found in the module Data.IORef. The type IORef a denotes a mutable reference to a value of type a. We can create an IORef using the function newIORef:

newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)

When creating an IORef, we must provide an initial value. Reading and writing is done through the following functions:

readIORef :: IORef a -> IO a

writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()

While other utility functions exist, this interface is all we need in order to interact with IORefs.

> r <- newIORef True
> readIORef r
> writeIORef r False
> readIORef r


IORefs are not thread safe. When we discuss concurrent programming later in the course we must be careful not to access them in unstructured ways from multiple concurrent threads. Programming with IORefs in Haskell is vulnerable to all the usual tragedies of concurrent programming with mutable state.

Free Monads with IO

The example of free monads we saw above are perhaps a bit contrived, as they merely involved replicating existing monads. In practice, we often use free monads to abstract over complicated effects, typically those in IO. Let us look at some use cases. By the constraints of these notes, they will still be somewhat contrived (we can't fit an actual production system here), but they will be more interesting than spelling State in a new way.

An Uncontrived Real World Example

To start out with, let us consider one of the most interesting and useful functions, the recursive Fibonacci function:

fib :: Int -> Int
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + (n - 2)

One common requirement when writing software is logging, yet we do not wish every function to depend on some specific implementation of a logging system. In particular, logging typically requires IO, and we don't want every single function to live in the IO monad. Free monads are a handy way to abstract out the notion of logging. Let us define a type FibOp that encapsulates the effects that we need in our fib function; currently restricted to merely logging.

data FibOp a = FibLog String a

instance Functor FibOp where
  fmap f (FibLog s x) = FibLog s $ f x

Now we can define a FibM monad that supports FibOp effects, with an accessor function fibLog:

type FibM a = Free FibOp a

fibLog :: String -> FibM ()
fibLog s = Free $ FibLog s $ pure ()

And finally we can use it in our definition of fib:

fib :: Int -> FibM Int
fib 0 = pure 1
fib 1 = pure 1
fib n = do
  fibLog $ "fib(" ++ show n ++ ")"
  x <- fib (n - 1)
  y <- fib (n - 2)
  pure $ x + y

One of the interesting parts of the FibM monad is that there are many legitimate and interesting ways to interpret it (in contrast to Reader or State, which have only a single sensible interpretation). One obvious one is to interpret it in the IO monad, where the logging messages are printed as lines:

ioFibM :: FibM a -> IO a
ioFibM (Pure x) = pure x
ioFibM (Free (FibLog s x)) = do
  putStrLn s
  ioFibM x

Example use:

> ioFibM $ fib 5

In a real application, we might log to the file system or some dedicated logging daemon (and probably, we would be computing something more interesting than Fibonacci numbers), but this is decoupled from the users of the fibLog effect.

But another useful interpretation function is one that just discards the logging messages - and is pure:

pureFibM :: FibM a -> a
pureFibM (Pure x) = x
pureFibM (Free (FibLog _ c)) = pureFibM c
> pureFibM $ fib 5

And yet another useful interpretation is a pure one that accumulates the log messages in a list.

logFibM :: FibM a -> (a, [String])
logFibM (Pure x) = (x, [])
logFibM (Free (FibLog s c)) =
  let (x', msgs) = logFibM c
   in (x', msgs ++ [s])
> logFibM $ fib 5

It is easy to imagine how this could be useful for testing the pure logic for logging, without actually interacting with a complicated logging infrastructure.

Adding Another Effect

Above we saw how we could interpret the same effectful function (fib) in three different ways, without modifying fib at all. Let us now add another effect. One problem with the recursive Fibonacci function is that it is very slow, as it redundantly recomputes the same recursive invocations over and over again. If you execute pureFibM $ fib 25 at the ghci prompt, you will likely wait several seconds before you get a response.

One way to improve the performance of recursive computations with many shared subresults is memoisation, where we maintain a cache mapping function arguments to results. Then, whenever we encounter an argument we have seen before, we merely retrieve the result that was computed last time again.

Memoisation is notoriously inconvenient to implement in pure languages, because of the need to maintain a state. The idea behind memoisation is that the effect of the cache is not observable, but merely speeds up the computation, but Haskell does not know that. Instead, we have to manually manage the cache of previous results, which raises additional questions, such as when to expire cache entries in order to avoid space leaks. It's a rather complicated space, and intermingling memoisation logic with algorithmic logic is likely to result in a mess.

Instead, let us augment the FibM monad to handle memoisation. First, we add a new kind of effect to FibOp, namely FibMemo:

data FibOp a
  = FibLog String a
  | FibMemo Int (FibM Int) (Int -> a)

The FibMemo constructor has three components:

  1. An integer n denoting that this effect refers to the result of computing fib(n).

  2. A FibM Int computation that computes fib(n) if executed.

  3. A continuation Int -> a that should be invoked with the result of the computation stored in the FibM Int - or a memoised version if available.

The instance definition and the accessor functions are fairly straightforward; strongly resembling those we have seen before.

instance Functor FibOp where
  fmap f (FibLog s x) = FibLog s $ f x
  fmap f (FibMemo n m c) = FibMemo n m $ \y -> f (c y)

fibMemo :: Int -> FibM Int -> FibM Int
fibMemo n m = Free $ FibMemo n m pure

The idea behind fibMemo is that we use it to wrap a computation, for example like so:

fib :: Int -> FibM Int
fib 0 = pure 1
fib 1 = pure 1
fib n = fibMemo n $ do
  fibLog $ "fib(" ++ show n ++ ")"
  x <- fib (n - 1)
  y <- fib (n - 2)
  pure $ x + y

The operational idea is that whenever the fib n case is reached, we want to look if an existing result for n has already been computed. If so, we return it. If not, we compute the result using the provided computation. Of course, whether that is actually what happens depends on how we write our interpreter function for FibM. For example, we can add support for FibMemo to pureFibM in a way that does not actually perform any memoisation:

pureFibM :: FibM a -> a
pureFibM (Pure x) = x
pureFibM (Free (FibMemo _ x c)) = pureFibM $ c $ pureFibM x
pureFibM (Free (FibLog _ c)) = pureFibM c

But of course, that rather defeats the purpose of FibMemo. Instead, we can write an interpretation function memoFibM that carries around a cache of type [(Int,Int)], in which memoisation results are stored. We implement this by using a local helper function that accepts and returns the state, and then we discard the final state at the end.

memoFibM :: FibM a -> a
memoFibM m = fst $ memo [] m
    memo :: [(Int, Int)] -> FibM a -> (a, [(Int, Int)])
    memo cache (Pure x) = (x, cache)
    memo cache (Free (FibMemo n fn c)) =
      case lookup n cache of
        Just res -> memo cache $ c res
        Nothing ->
          let (fn', cache') = memo cache fn
           in memo ((n, fn') : cache') (c fn')
    memo cache (Free (FibLog _ x)) =
      memo cache x

In the FibMemo case, we check whether a result for n is already known, and if so, we return it. Otherwise we compute it by executing fn. Note that memo could also be implemented using the State monad, as the way we handle the cache is identical to how State handles state.

Now even large applications of fib finish almost instantaneously, as memoisation transforms the exponential complexity to linear:

> memoFibM $ fib 1000

Although memoFibM is a rather simplistic way of handling memoisation, in that the cache is not persistent across multiple invocations, it is not difficult to conceive of a variant that uses IO to store memoisation results in a database or on the file system, perhaps with limitations on the maximum size of stored results, or some expiry policy that removes entries after a time. All of these changes can be made without modifying fib itself.

Another useful change would be to allow memoisation of arguments and results that are not exclusively of type Int (or some other fixed type). This is not particularly difficult, although somewhat more verbose, and so we have left it out of the exposition here.

Asynchronous Programming with Free Monads

Asynchronous programming styles have become common in languages targeted towards network programming, often support by language features such as async/await facilities. The purpose of such language features is to hide the somewhat contorted control flow otherwise required by asynchronous programming. For example, a program often needs to wait for an event to happen. Operationally, this happens by suspending the current computation, recording its state in a data structure somewhere. Whenever an event comes in, it is checked whether any suspended computations depend on it, and if so, they are resumed until the next time they need to be suspended. However, exposing all this complexity leads to a very awkward programming experience. Instead, we would like to simply have a seemingly normal function that blocks until the requested event arrives - but of course without suspending the entire system. We shall now see how this can be accomplished using a design based on free monads.

We start by defining a very simple model of events. An event is a name paired with a value, and the value is always an integer.

type EventName = String

type EventValue = Int

type Event = (EventName, EventValue)

Events come from the outside world, in unpredictable order and with uncertain timing, and are in practice often the result of communication with other programs. For testing purposes, we can model sequences of events as Haskell lists, but baking such an assumption into our systems would make them useless in practice. At any given time, many computations may be suspended waiting for events to happen; some of them perhaps waiting for the same events.

To support his style of programming, we define an effect type for our asynchronous programming model, with support for two effects:

  1. Waiting for an event of a given name.

  2. Logging a message. This is solely so we can observe execution of our asynchronous programs through their side effects (printing to the console), and is in principle unrelated to events.

The definition, along with its Functor instance, is as follows:

data EventOp a
  = WaitFor EventName (EventValue -> a)
  | Log String a

instance Functor EventOp where
  fmap f (WaitFor s c) = WaitFor s $ \x -> f (c x)
  fmap f (Log s c) = Log s $ f c

type EventM a = Free EventOp a

And it is all packed together under the name EventM with two accessor functions waitFor and logMsg:

waitFor :: String -> EventM EventValue
waitFor s = Free (WaitFor s pure)

logMsg :: String -> EventM ()
logMsg s = Free $ LogMsg s $ pure ()

Here are three examples of how to use the monad. All of these functions listen for events and do something (fairly trivial) with the result. The purpose of the divider example is solely to illustrate that control flow and looping is possible.

adder :: EventM ()
adder = do
  logMsg "starting adder"
  x <- waitFor "add"
  y <- waitFor "add"
  logMsg $ unwords [show x, "+", show y, "=", show $ x + y]

multiplier :: EventM ()
multiplier = do
  logMsg "starting multiplier"
  x <- waitFor "mul"
  y <- waitFor "mul"
  logMsg $ unwords [show x, "*", show y, "=", show $ x * y]

divider :: EventM ()
divider = do
  logMsg "starting divider"
  x <- waitFor "div"
  y <- waitForDivisor
  logMsg $ unwords [show x, "/", show y, "=", show $ x `div` y]
    waitForDivisor = do
      y <- waitFor "div"
      if y == 0
        then do
          logMsg $ "Cannot divide by zero"
        else pure y

Once you have finished with this section, and you have seen how the sausage is made, I suggest returning to these definitions and normal how normal they look. The complexity of how they are actually executed is completely hidden by the monad abstraction.

A definition such as adder represents a process. It runs for as far as possible until the value of an event is needed, at which point it is suspended. We can write an interpretation function that does just that; evaluating as many of the effects as possible until reaching a WaitFor:

stepUntilWait :: EventM a -> IO (EventM a)
stepUntilWait (Pure x) = pure $ Pure x
stepUntilWait (Free (LogMsg s c)) = do
  putStrLn $ s
  stepUntilWait c
stepUntilWait (Free (WaitFor s c)) =
  pure $ Free $ WaitFor s c

It is possible to use stepUntilWait directly in ghci, but the result is not terribly interesting:

> a <- stepUntilWait adder
starting adder

Now we have a name a representing a suspended execution.

:t a
a :: EventM ()

Unfortunately we cannot inspect its structure, because EventOp is not an instance of Show, but we can be pretty sure it is currently stuck on a WaitFor effect.

At some point, an event may arrive. We can then check whether the event name matches what the suspended execution is waiting for, and if so, call the continuation with the value. If the event name does not match, we do nothing. We can encapsulate this in a function:

stepSingleEvent :: EventM () -> Event -> IO (EventM ())
stepSingleEvent (Free (WaitFor waiting_for c)) (event_name, event_val) =
  if waiting_for == event_name
    then stepUntilWait $ c event_val
    else pure $ Free $ WaitFor waiting_for c
stepSingleEvent p _ = pure p

After invoking the continuation, we use stepUntilWait to evaluate any subsequent non-WaitFor events, but we do not recursively call stepSingleEvent. This is because events are distinguishable: we want the adder process to process two distinct events, not have the same event with name "add" to provide values for both waitFors.

Here is how we can use stepSingleEvent, continuing execution of the a above:

> b <- stepSingleEvent a ("add", 1)
> c <- stepSingleEvent b ("add", 2)
1 + 2 = 3

Note how execution returns to our control after every invocation to stepSingleEvent. This allows us to use arbitrary logic to retrieve events (such as reading them from the network or a file), without the process definitions (adder, multiplier, divider) having to care about the details.

This is often called an event pump, by analogy to old-fashioned water pumps. We continue cranking the handle (calling stepSingleEvent), which lets the process continue through its execution. The interesting thing is that the suspended computations, the a, b, and c values above, are ordinary Haskell values, that we can manipulate like any other Haskell value. One slightly dubious thing we can do is to keep reusing the same suspended computation multiple times:

> stepSingleEvent b ("add", 2)
1 + 2 = 3
> stepSingleEvent b ("add", 2)
1 + 2 = 3
> stepSingleEvent b ("add", 2)
1 + 2 = 3

Another more useful thing we can do is to keep multiple suspended processes in a list. Whenever an event arrives, we crank the pump once on each of them. If a process is truly finished, represented by the Pure constructor, we remove it from the list. This can be expressed as a fairly simple recursive function:

stepEventM :: [EventM ()] -> Event -> IO [EventM ()]
stepEventM [] _ = pure []
stepEventM (p : ps) event = do
  p' <- stepUntilWait p
  case p' of
    Pure () -> stepEventM ps event
    _ -> do
      p'' <- stepSingleEvent p' event
      ps' <- stepEventM ps event
      pure $ p'' : ps'

And finally, we can write another straightforward function that simply calls stepEventM once for every event in a list of events:

runEventM :: [EventM ()] -> [Event] -> IO [EventM ()]
runEventM ps [] = do
  pure ps
runEventM ps (e : es) = do
  ps' <- stepEventM ps e
  runEventM ps' es

This lets us have interleaved execution of asynchronous operations - a programming technique that in most languages is either hopelessly complicated, or requires direct runtime support.

> runEventM [adder, multiplier, divider]
            [("add", 1),
             ("mul", 2),
             ("div", 3),
             ("add", 4),
             ("div", 0),
             ("mul", 5),
             ("div", 6)]
starting adder
starting multiplier
starting divider
1 + 4 = 5
Cannot divide by zero
2 * 5 = 10
3 / 6 = 0

As an example that truly demonstrates how decoupled the processes are from how events are read, the following function reads events interactively from the console, through the the readLn function which reads a value in Haskell syntax.

interactivelyRunEventM :: [EventM ()] -> IO ()
interactivelyRunEventM [] = pure ()
interactivelyRunEventM ps = do
  ps' <- mapM stepUntilWait ps
  event <- readLn
  ps'' <- stepEventM ps' event
  interactivelyRunEventM ps''

Here is an example of using it, where the output from the processes is intermixed with my typed input:

> interactivelyRunEventM [adder, multiplier, divider]
starting adder
starting multiplier
starting divider
("add", 1)
("add", 2)
1 + 2 = 3
("div", 3)
("mul", 2)
("mul", 4)
2 * 4 = 8
("div", -1)
3 / -1 = -3