Exponential Map Guide
Location | Author | Maintained by |
isl/math/expmap.py | Kenny Erleben | DIKU |
The Exponential Map
The purpose of the exomap.py module is to make exponential mapping possible. We used the code examples and theory from the paper of F. Sebastian Grossia to implement this module.
Let , where Theta is in radians and
This module helps parameterize rotations matrices in group SO(3). Rotations with these parameters avoid
singularities by converting every rotation to be in the range of 0 and .
First load the module
import isl.math.expmap
Example 1
This example shows how to initialize a rotation matrix from v.
# Rotates with pi/2
v_rot_const = (np.pi/2) * (1/(np.sqrt(3)))
v = vec3.make(v_rot_const,v_rot_const,v_rot_const)
exp_map = exp(v)
array([[ 0.84066355, -0.21922386, 0.49520268],
[ 0.49520268, 0.6813271 , -0.5390433 ],
[-0.21922386, 0.69837975, 0.6813271 ]])
Example 2
Finding the inverse of exp_map
log(exp_map), v
(array([0.90689968, 0.90689968, 0.90689968]),
array([0.90689968, 0.90689968, 0.90689968]))
Example 3
If you want to rotate with more than pi you need to reparmeterize.
# Rotate with 1.5 * pi
v_rot_const = (1.5*np.pi) * (1/(np.sqrt(3)))
v = vec3.make(v_rot_const,v_rot_const,v_rot_const)
v = reparameterization(v)
exp_map = exp(v)
print(f' Theta_hat: {2*np.pi - vec3.norm(v)}, Theta: {1.5*np.pi}')
Theta_hat: 4.7123889803846915, Theta: 4.71238898038469
Example 4
Find the derivative of v given an angle omega (See paper section 4.1).
rot_const_omega = np.pi + np.pi / 4 rot_const_v = np.pi + np.pi / 2 quad_const = 1/np.sqrt(3) rot_1 = rot_const_omega * quad_const rot_2 = rot_const_v * quad_const omega = vec3.make(rot_1,rot_1,rot_1) v = vec3.make(rot_2,rot_2,rot_2) dvdt(omega, v)
array([2.26724921, 2.26724921, 2.26724921])
Example 5
Finding the derivative of a rotation matrix with respect to a axis i (See section 3.1 in the paper). Let i = 0 meaning the first axis:
const1 = np.pi + np.pi / 4
quad_const = 1/np.sqrt(3)
rot = const1 * quad_const
v = vec3.make(rot,rot,rot)
v = reparameterization(v)
dRdv_i(v, 0)
array([[-0.28556917, -0.35808005, -0.3111484 ],
[-1.02955486, -0.64055624, -0.23988447],
[-0.23988447, -0.3111484 , -0.64055624]])